Frequently Asked Questions



Who can adopt an access?

Any person or group that agrees to perform tasks designated by the Area Manager.


What accesses are available for adoption?

Any MDC stream or lake access where the Area Manager would like to share the maintenance burden with an adopter. Accesses managed by other entities such as cities, counties, or other agencies may be adopted through similar agreements if they are willing.


What are adopters required to do at the access?

The adopter and the Area Manager must agree to terms of adoption in a written agreement. The terms of the agreement are flexible, depending on the access needs and the ability of the adopter. Tasks could include trash pickups, mowing, planting, and privy maintenance, or whatever the Area Manager and the adopter agree upon.


How long are adoption agreements?

The term of the agreement is determined by the Area Manager. It may be advisable to limit terms at the most desirable accesses to one year, to provide opportunities for more adopters to participate. The agreement may be terminated at any time, in writing by either party.


What incentive is there for volunteers to adopt an access?

It can be a great community service project, and they will be recognized on a sign at the access. Those that become Stream Teams will be eligible for free incentives for submitting activity reports, including T-shirts, caps, bandanas, pencils, etc. They will also be entered in Stream Team quarterly drawings, with prizes such as fishing trips, jewelry, canoes, and pizza parties or classroom equipment for school groups. Stream Teams are also eligible for annual awards, and occasional grants. They will receive the bimonthly Stream Team newsletter, Channels.


Do adopters have to be Stream Teams?

No, anyone can adopt an access. However, adopters will automatically become Teams, unless they opt not to on the adoption agreement. If they chose not to become a Team, they will not be eligible for the incentives listed above. We encourage adopters to become Stream Teams because the recordkeeping is much easier.


What benefits can the Area Manager and the Department expect?

Managers will be relieved of some of the maintenance responsibilities at the access. They will form cooperative relationships with the community, and recruit advocates for conservation issues that have first hand knowledge of Department challenges and responsibilities.


What responsibilities will the Area Manager assume?

The Area Manager is responsible for assuring that tasks are performed satisfactorily in accordance with the adoption agreement. He may also commit to providing supplies for maintenance including toilet paper and trash bags, and for removing trash bags. They will also be required to install and maintain an Adopt-An-Access sign recognizing the adopter.


What steps are necessary for completing an adoption agreement?

Most agreements are likely to proceed as follows:

  1. Applicants should contact the regional office where they would like to adopt, and arrange to meet with the Area Manager.
  2. The Area Manager should discuss the maintenance needs at the access and determine tasks that the adopter is willing and able to perform.
  3. The Area Manager may tour the access with the applicant.
  4. Conditions and term of the agreement should be determined.
  5. Safety issues determined by hazards at the access and the types of tasks to be performed should be discussed.
  6. A copy of the signed agreement must be submitted to the Stream Team Program (Stream Unit, Central Office).
  7. The Stream Unit will send Stream Team information and a welcoming letter to all adopters that elect to become Teams.
  8. Stream Teams will be eligible for incentives and drawings when they submit activity reports describing completed tasks to the Stream Unit.


Adopt-An-Access (AAA) Adoption Agreement



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Missouri Stream Team

PO Box 180

Jefferson City, MO 65102-0180


Phone: (573)751-4115

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