Missouri Stream Team Watershed Curriculum


The Missouri Stream Team provides educators with staff support and resources needed to incorporate water quality instruction into their curriculum, lesson plans, field labs and assessment strategies. This web page allows teachers and educators the opportunity to explore and experience the variety of educational resources available to implement water quality and nature curriculum into their science classrooms. If you have educational materials that you would like to share with teachers and educators please email an electronic copy in either a word document or PDF format and the Stream Team staff will post your submission. Please align your lesson to either the MLS (Missouri Learning Standards) or the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) if you submit a resource.


Missouri Stream Team Watershed Curriculum


Please email submissions to streamteam@mdc.mo.gov


Submitted Lesson Plans

Joel Rademeyer, Team 1634 - Parkway Middle School - Value of Water


Mary Ann Mutrux, Team 451 - Willow Springs Middle School - Hellbenders


What's Happening with Classrooms that are a Missouri Stream Team?

Stream Team Highlight - Featuring: Barry Marquart, AP Environmental Science at Lindbergh High School, Stream Team Volunteer


Missouri Department of Conservation Teacher Portal


This Teacher Portal is designed to provide the highest quality service to Missouri’s educators who are interested in teaching about Missouri’s ecology and conservation. Learn about our Discover Nature Schools curriculum guides and student materials. Explore the Missouri National Archery in the Schools Program. Review grant opportunities, free teacher workshops, and other conservation-related classroom resources and programs.

Enter here



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Missouri Stream Team

PO Box 180

Jefferson City, MO 65102-0180


Phone: 1-800-781-1989


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